28 July 2007

Little Thoughts

“How do you expect to leave everything behind when you enter a meditation center? The kind of suffering that you carry in your heart, that is society itself. You bring that with you, you bring society with you. You bring all of us with you. When you meditate, it is not just for yourself, you do it for the whole society. You seek solutions to your problems not only for yourself, but for all of us.” - Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace p.64

I’m trying not to think about Peace Corps at this point. We’ve both turned in almost everything (just waiting on other people to fill out recommendations). We should hear from them through the mail in a week or less, through US Mail, telling us how to check our app status online. I’m assuming we’ll also be hearing in the next week or two from the local recruiter to set-up an interview. Lori and I both are really hoping for Moldova. I’m hoping for almost anything other than Africa. I have serious doubts about my ability to handle the heat.

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